MA Psychology Hons, Professional Certified NLP Coach,
Certified NLP Practitioner
M.A. Psychology Hons, Professional Certified NLP Coach,
Certified NLP Practitioner, Personal Performance Coach,
Live the life YOU want!
As well as working with individual clients, I also coach groups with business, education and health & wellbeing interests. I am currently delivering Health and Wellbeing, Confidence Building, Managing Anxiety, and Taking Back Control courses.
I have an holistic approach to coaching and often incorporate techniques from martial arts and chi gong to promote mindfulness and focus with clients and achieve a state of calm and wellbeing during sessions.
I integrate techniques from Coaching, NLP and Hypnotherapy to create a tailor-made package for each individual client.
I am passionate about helping clients take control of their lives and make positive changes that will lead to confidence, fulfilment and success. At the end of a coaching session I love to see clients feeling excited and inspired about their journey ahead!
take control of
career change
time management
small businesses
money issues
weight loss
stop smoking
work/life balance
health & wellbeing
make a positive change
Book your free introductory phone call
Tamara has been fantastic to work with, helping me to achieve a clear vision and confidence.
Luke, London
To find out whether coaching is suitable for you (approximately 15 minute chat)
Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind. Bruce Lee