MA Psychology Hons, Professional Certified NLP Coach,
Certified NLP Practitioner
How will Coaching benefit me?
Boost confidence and wellbeing!
Challenge existing attitudes and limiting beliefs!
Reframe unhelpful ways of thinking!
Increase energy and focus!
Reset your mindset!
Give you fantastic tools to get you fast tracked into achieving your goals!
If you want to get focused and achieve results book a free consultation
How many sessions should I have?
Sessions can be booked as and when required
Book a one off exploratory session to bring clarity to your current situation.
Book 3 sessions to get you focused and on track with a current project or goal.
Book 6 sessions for guidance and encouragement to keep positively focused while working on a short or longer term goal.
What's the difference between Coaching and other therapies?
Coaching is future focused and looks at where you are now and where you want to be. You can have coaching while participating in other therapies.